Student Absentee Questions:
Q: How many "mommy notes" can my child have in one year?
A: Your child can ONLY have 10 mommy notes. Definition of Mommy Note - a note written by a parent/guardian without visiting a doctor's office.
Q: Do parents receive UNEXCUSED absentee parent letters in the mail?
A: YES! All parents will receive a 3 day - 6 day -and 10 day letter if your child obtains 3, 6, or 10 UNEXCUSED absences. This is an automatically generated generic attendance letter.
Q: If my child arrives at 10:AM, will my child's marking of "ABSENT" be changed to a "TARDY?"
A: YES! The teacher has the ability to change this in the system. If you see it has not been changed, please follow up with your child's homeroom teacher.
Q: Will my child's tardies and absentisms be monitored by administration?
A: YES! Aministration WILL monitor both closely. If excessive tardies or absences occur, further truancy and mediation will take place.
Q: Will checking my child out early cout again them?
A: YES! This will impede your child's academic progress. It is imperative that students attend the entire instructional day from 7:45-2:40 PM.