At A Glance
Lincoln County Schools serves approximately 10,690 students and has 1200 full-time employees. The district has 23 schools- 13 elementary schools, 4 middle schools, 4 high schools, Lincoln County School of Technology, and an alternative school.
The district graduation of 90.8% is higher than the state's graduation rate of 86.5%.
Lincoln County Schools four-year graduation rate is 88.6%, which is higher than the state’s graduation rate of 86.2%.
Lincoln County Schools five-year graduation rate is 90.9%, which is higher than the state’s graduation rate of 88.5%.
Lincoln County Schools ranks fourth in the Greater Charlotte metro region and ties for 18th in the state according to average Grade Level Proficiency (GLP). LCS’s GLP is 12.6% higher than the state’s Grade Level Proficiency. GLP includes students in grades 3-8 who scored an achievement level of 3, 4, or 5.
The district’s Career and College Ready (CCR) average is 16.8% higher than the state’s average. The CCR measure reports all students who scored an achievement level of 4 or 5.
Lincoln County Schools’ ACT scores are 23% higher than the state average. A higher minimum ACT score is now required for admission to University of North Carolina campuses.
Lincoln County Schools’ WorkKeys scores are 10.6% higher than the state average. WorkKeys assessments measure skills required for success in the workplace as well as skills that can affect job performance.